Scroll down for Tips/Ideas...
Sir Brixalot is an Eagle Scout and has served as CM, ACM, ADL, and is currently an ASM... If you know what those acronyms mean, you know that he and his staff can control ANY chaos ;-)
Pack 160, Blue and Gold, Herndon, VA
Pack 160, Apr Pack meeting
Pack 1530, Blue and Gold
Pack 1439, Blue and Gold
Pack 987
Pack 1534
Pack 32, Join Scouting Night
Pack 1461, Bethesda, MD
Pack 1520, Blue and Gold
Pack 1519
Pack 555
Pack 1978
more !!!
Tips for Scouting Events...
Avoid the following at all costs. Not permitted. Creates rift in Space-Time Continuum...
Food / drink / popcorn / snacks around Brix piles !!! Virtually impossible to clean Brix.
All grassy areas (or "slotted" surfaces like wooden porches, cement grills, etc.)
Playing near depleted uranium or plutonium deposits.
Areas where people just ate (like Cafeteria) without first sweeping floor
Brixalot will bring both DUPLO and LEGO bricks for all ages
Invite Scouts, siblings, guests to play prior to event! Enough for all ;-)
With RARE exceptions, a Brixalot Facilitator is required for Scouting events
Risk of kids accidentally taking Brix
Keep area (and kids!) orderly
Typical Pack/Troop meeting
Recommend 50 mins of Free Play, so schedule a "special" meeting of 1.25-1.5 hrs
Minimize advancements, announcements, etc. for that meeting to maximize play time.
Plan for group pics at end of event just before closing ceremony (and email if you want to be on our website! ;-)
Primary Event, like Blue and Gold
Recommend 60-90 mins of Free Play
Do NOT put out Brix until READY TO PLAY! kids will not sit still seeing piles and piles of FUN nearby...
Layout logistics important: Brix need lots of floor space
Best if nearby open area, ready to receive Brix
If moving a block of tables/chairs to make space, might need brooms and allow extra time. This is challenging to efficiently execute with larger groups but can be done...