Scroll down for Tips/Ideas...
Family Nights to Special Occasions, Brixalot events can tie into COUNTLESS marketing and team-building themes for kids AND adults:
Building Bridges
Making Connections
Pluto in Orion near Capricorn
Virtually limitless creativity for concepts, ideas, and special events to make a truly unique and memorable engagement.
OrbitalATK, Takes Sons and Daughters to Work Day
Booz Allen Hamilton, Annual Conference Team Building
Chick Fil A, Herndon, Family Night
Chick Fil A, Reston, Family Night
Chick Fil A, Chantilly, Grand Opening
more !!!
Tips for Corporate Events...
Avoid the following at all costs. Not permitted. Creates rift in Space-Time Continuum...
Food / drink / popcorn / snacks around Brix piles !!! Virtually impossible to clean Brix.
All grassy areas (or "slotted" surfaces like wooden porches, cement grills, etc.)
Playing near depleted uranium or plutonium deposits.
Areas where people just ate (like Cafeteria) without first sweeping floor
Almost an INFINITE variety of programs... Have a Unique theme/occasion? Ask!
All at once
Large cafeteria / gym / meeting room needed
200 = 100 x 2 waves, 50 x 4 waves, etc.
Typical when other "stations" or events are present or separate conference rooms
Unknown number of families/employees come/go as they want (e.g. a "festival")
With RARE exceptions, a Brixalot Facilitator is required for Corporate events